Still on the Road #23

Six Wheels…”luxury!”

A week ago I may have said I was done blogging for a while. In my mind, no one would have the slightest interest in reading about us driving around in our 4Runner. It seemed so boring compared to reading about us riding around on our bicycles. Hmmm. Right. Well, I did have a few less awkward insights about the blog this past week that made me rethink that decision.

  • #1…I enjoy writing. Whether or not anyone reads what is written, I enjoy the process of putting pen to paper, as it were.
  • #2…It may seem contradictory, but I feel more observant and “in the moment” when I am at the same time thinking about how to describe what I am seeing, feeling, or experiencing.
  • #3… I realized that if I don’t jot down something, somewhere, in some fashion, days blur together.  I have a hard time remembering where we’ve been and what we’ve done. I like remembering. These memories are precious, to Sharon and me at least.
  • #4…We continue to meet wonderful people as we travel. Many have fascinating lives and stories worth sharing. I enjoy sharing their stories and bringing attention to the good, kind, and generous folks we come across. And even though we are not currently bicycle touring, we are still touring full time in our tiny condo. Many folks still seem genuinely interested in our wanderings.

So, for a while longer at least, I will continue to share some details and thought about our travels. First thought. After bike camping, our little teardrop feels unbelievably luxurious. This is not “roughing it” in any sense.

It has been the perfect home as we hopscotch down the Pacific coast. In a departure from our norm, we’ve chosen to stay at campgrounds through Washington and Oregon. Free locations have been a bit challenging to find. Many of the sights have premium locations right on the ocean. As a non-campground snob, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the campground experiences so far. They’ve been quiet. It is nice having some amenities. The occasional shower is definitely appreciated. And some truly wonderful people have stopped by to chat. Some are interested in the boats. Some want to see the teardrop. Others notice the bikes.

We both have determined to not lose our hard earned fitness. So while there has been plenty of down time, we’ve also made sure to do something physical every day. Fortunately there are some beautiful hikes along the coast. In honor of my odometer ticking over to the big six-o, I rode sixty miles down the coast. While pleasant at times, I honestly don’t see why the Oregon coast is so popular among cyclists. There were long stretches with no views of the coast. I also found the traffic a bit too intense for my taste. At one point I had to dive off the road to avoid being flattened by an oncoming motorist who couldn’t be bothered to wait to make a pass. Sometimes two middle fingers just aren’t enough. My first day of being 60 was almost my last.

We made a new friend our last night in Oregon. We met Becky in Gold Beach. She has spent the last three weeks riding solo from north of Seattle on her way to the Redwoods of northern CA. Impressive by any measure. Even more so given that before setting out, she’d never done more than ride around her home neighborhood back in the UK. We enjoyed hearing her story over a few pints. So much fun finding kindred spirits on the road!

So that’s it for now. Today is going to be a soggy travel day as we seek to get established somewhere in Northern CA. We hope to spend a few human powered days exploring the Redwood region. So until next time, STC!

4 thoughts on “Still on the Road #23

  1. Rachael Foe

    Glad you are still writing! Love to check in on how you are doing. And, you are inspiring me to think about starting my own blog 🙂

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