On the Road Again #8

Two Wheels: June 1-6

Six weeks ago we downsized our lives. We went from a 1700 square foot, three bedroom home to 4Runner and a queen size bed on wheels. On Tuesday when Rob dropped us at an airport hotel we downsized again. From that point on we would be traveling on two wheels with four waterproof bags each (with a minor jet assist).

The jet assist portion to Prudhoe requires the tedious but necessary step of boxing the bikes for flight. After enjoying a clear view of Rainier ( and reminiscing), I got to work. By Tuesday afternoon, the bikes were ready to travel. By Wednesday evening we had our gear ready, had made phone calls, sent texts and emails, and basically taken care of all the last minute details.

Thursday: June 3: The Big Day. Alaska Airlines did not help our nerves today. They made multiple, last minutes changes. The end result was that we arrived in Prudhoe at 7:30pm instead of 1:00pm. It looked very much like I remember…cold, grey, windy, overcast, industrial. It also was very foreign arriving as a tourist. Everyone else had a purpose for being there. Because of the late arrival we also decided to bite the bullet and stay at one of the local hotels. These are not hotels in the typical sense. Several companies use them to house short term workers. Our room had all the belongings of such a worker who was “off shift”. Odd. By days end, the bikes were back together, we were well fed, and gear was stowed.

Friday June 4: Took advantage of the buffet breakfast, made a trip to the general store for fuel and bear spray, and pedaled away from civilization. It was 29 degrees, foggy, misty, with a brisk NE wind. Perfect. We were shocked to find the first 18 miles of the highway paved. Very quickly the nerves and anticipation were replaced with the realization that we were up for the challenge. By days end we had traveled far enough inland to find clear skies. We dismissed one likely campsite because it was already occupied by mom and two grizzly cubs. Several miles down the road we found another spot, got everything all set up, when two different people stopped to tell us there was another mom with two more grizzly cubs nearby. Seriously? We broke camp just as Marshall, the other biker out this early happened by. We went a few more miles down the road and found another likely spot…and saw another grizzly. Hmmmmm. This one turned and sprinted away as soon as he caught wind of us. Fair enough. This was home for the night.

Saturday, June 6: Cold and damp morning did not encourage lounging. Quickly on the road and quickly found more blue skies. The Brooks range that came into view yesterday has been looming larger ahead of us. As did the hills. Large, long, steep hills came in waves as we climbed away from the Sagavanirtok River, and the back down. All day long until we called it quits 42 miles after we started. Super pleasant day getting to know Marshall. At the tender age of 31, he has lived and worked all over the world. His ultimate goal is to bike all the way to the southern tip of Argentina.

Sunday, June 7: Unbelievably we had yet another good weather day…starting at 35 degrees before skyrocketing to 50. It was also equal parts brutally difficult biking (4,400 vertical)…and majestic wilderness in every direction. After staring at the Brooks range for over 100 miles, we finally arrive at its feet by days end. Tomorrow we will attempt to make our way through. Buts that’s tomorrow after a good long rest.

I know this was a concern for many…so far we’ve seen nine grizzlies…none have eaten us yet. Actually none have shown the slightest interest in eating us. We’ve seen caribou, fox, musk oxen, and untold numbers of birds. As advertised…lots of trucks, almost all have been super thoughtful. That’s all for now until Fairbanks.

5 thoughts on “On the Road Again #8

  1. Anonymous

    This is sooo exciting!! I’m really glad you met Marshall, adventures like this one are much better when shared! Amazing to see so many grizzlies in their habitat, hope you don’t feel the need to unlock the bear spray! 😂 Ruth&Rob xxx

    1. KBGearDave

      You are correct! We haven’t accumulated the large tribe you found, but we’ve enjoyed Marshall tremendously

  2. Rachael Foe

    Wow, so impressive! Were you guys training a lot before this trip? Beautiful country up there…I will enjoy following your journey 🙂

    1. KBGearDave

      Hi Rachel, Chris. We were generally trying to stay active. We had ramped up our biking. Nothing can really get you ready for touring except touring, so it has been a bit of baptism by fire.

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