The Great Arctic Bike Adventure…

…that never was!

69.6492° N, 18.9553° E

69.6 degrees north latitude. That number likely means very little. Some context would probably be useful. The Arctic Circle is a line of latitude at 66.5 degrees north. During the summer months above the Arctic Circle, the sun never dips below the horizon. Many years ago I spent a fascinating summer working in Prudhoe Bay on the northern coast of Alaska. When I first arrived, the polar ice pack extending all the way to the North Pole, was still visible from shore. The latitude there was 70.2 degrees north.

Why does this matter, you may ask? And what’s the deal with 69.6 degrees north? If you were to enter those coordinates into Google Earth, you would be taken to a town called Tromsø. It is a town, about the size of Flagstaff, located in far northern Norway. It has the distinction of being the 3rd largest city north of the Arctic circle anywhere in the world (following Murmansk and Norilsk – because I’m sure you were wondering). While fascinating I’m sure, what really makes Tromsø stand out is that Sharon and I are now the proud owners of two – one way tickets to that fair city. Lord willing, on the evening of June 15th, Norwegian air will drop off two tired Americans, two bicycles and assorted camping gear at Langnes International Airport at 69.6 degrees north latitude. And thus will begin our Great Arctic Bike Adventure.

Our starting point.
Our faithful steeds waiting patiently to go out to play.

Getting to this point has been an interesting adventure. We’ve been talking about this trip for quite a while now. Initially we thought of starting in southern Europe in early April and following summer north. Then because of obligations here at home and some ultra cheap fares, we considered a June flight into London and spending some time wandering the UK before branching out. Ultimately, the desire to revisit Norway, especially this part of the country, the ease of camping, a good ticket price, and trip flow led us to choose our June visit to Tromsø . Our “no plan plan” is to spend a two weeks pedaling south, hopefully meeting up with some friends near Trondheim for a week -ish of exploration. Then we’ll wander south into Europe/UK and wherever the spirit leads. Fortunately we have old classmates, co-workers and friends we’ve made who live in Norway, the Netherlands, the UK, the Czech Republic and Germany. We’d love to see them, as well as get some local beta. The internet has offered up enough beautiful and interesting places to occupy several years of touring. Since we likely will spend around four months on the road, it will be interesting to see how the trip unfolds.

We have quite a bit to do before departure. There are several other adventures to enjoy first. The KB Gear sweatshop will be cranking out some new gear…which means the lone elf will be quite busy. Being gone for an extended period of time means lots of decisions and life details to sort out. Needless to say we’re quite excited and looking forward to the big adventure – and sharing it with you. Exactly how we’re going to do that is just one more detail to work out. All part of the fun.

Yeah…this is on our route south from Tromso. Jeg elsker Norge!


Sharon and I know this look well. This was Oliver learning it was time to leave Florida. Sharon and I had pretty much the same look when this thing called COVID shut down our plans to bike tour Norway and Europe. We’re still hoping that our planning wasn’t in vain, and that we’ll be able to carry out this plan at some point in the future.

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