Sweating the Small Stuff

It’s the title of best selling book. There are memes all over the internet. “Don’t sweat the small stuff – it’s all small stuff.” There’s a valid point there, but I also think it’s become a bit of a cliche – and it’s not always true. I work in Quality Control. If I don’t sweat the “small stuff” I probably won’t work in QC very long. A big part of making relationships work is “sweating the small stuff”…saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, picking up dirty socks without being asked, really listening, noticing acts of kindness and complimenting, saying “I love you”, etc.

It seems that there might also be a tendency to overlook the “small stuff” in favor of dreaming/planning/prepping for “big stuff” trips. We definitely look forward to the big one and two week backpacking, or boating, or climbing trips that we typically take each year. Part of the fun for us in planning a big trip is talking about what we hope to do, discussing variations and possibilities, etc.  The big trips we’ve taken certainly hold a special place in our hearts and memory. There’s a danger, however, in focusing only on the “big stuff” trips. You could easily miss out on the joy and satisfaction that comes from the “small stuff”.

This past Memorial weekend was a classic example. We had planned what for us was a “big deal” trip. Unfortunately those plans fell through. So, we stayed in town and accepted an invite from Allison K for an early Saturday morning hike to a classic AZ swimming hole. It was an amazing morning! We had a great

time chatting with Allison and her friends on the relatively mellow hike. We enjoyed the beauty of the creek and the red rock cliffs at the swimming hole. We enjoyed the refreshing swim in crystal clear water. The more adventurous souls among us enjoyed cliff jumping. We beat the heat and the massive crowds of tourons descending on the creek as we were leaving. We were home by mid-day.

That same weekend Sharon and I took a trail run on one of our favorite Elden trails. We hung out. We talked. We went down town and enjoyed a pint at one of the great Flag microbrews. For the price of a couple of beers we had a great weekend doing “small stuff.” The point of all this, if there really needs to be a point, is the encouragement to not wish your life away looking forward to and waiting for the “big” trips and the grand adventures. Sweating the small stuff may just be another way to say “make the most of every day!” Enjoy the little adventures whenever and wherever you find them. Seize the Carp!


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